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10 Common Probation Violations and What They Mean


If you are on probation, you must follow the rules closely. Violating any of the terms of your probation can result in severe penalties, including jail time. This blog post will discuss ten common probation violations and what they mean for you. Don’t wait until it’s too late – if you think you may have […]

Violating Probation

Probation is a suspension of a criminal sentence that allows someone convicted of a crime to settle their debt to society without actually serving jail time. While on probation, you might not realize that some of the things you do daily could violate your probation. You may think it’s a minor violation, but it could […]

Can I move out of state if I am on probation or parole?

Let’s begin this article by discussing the difference between parole and probation. Probation is what someone is placed on when convicted of a crime, but will not serve a jail or prison sentence. This option is not available for every conviction or crime. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony, you should always […]

Have you Been Charged with Probation or Parole Violations?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It may be helpful to some to explain the basic difference between probation and parole. Essentially they are the same thing, with the largest difference being when they occur. Probation is usually put in place before and en lieu of jail time. In contrast, parole is time reduced from your jail or prison sentence, typically […]

Probation and Parole Violations

Probation and parole, although related concepts, are quite different things. Probation can be part of the sentence given when someone is convicted of a crime; it can be provided instead of or in combination with jail time. Parole is only granted after someone has served some or most of his/her jail sentence, and even then, […]